Most Canadian PRs who landed in 2022 were citizens of India, China and Afghanistan

In 2022, the majority of Canadian permanent residents (PRs) who landed in Canada were citizens of India, China, and Afghanistan. The list of top source countries for new Canadian permanent residents has slightly shifted from the previous year, with Brazil and South Korea no longer in the top 10 and being replaced by Afghanistan and Syria.

India remained the leading source of immigration to Canada in 2022, followed by China. However, the percentage of immigrants from these two countries has decreased from the previous year. The top 10 countries of citizenship for new Canadian PRs in 2022, along with the number of immigrants and percentage of Canada’s total PRs accounted for by each country, were listed.

Ontario remained the top immigrant destination for PRs in Canada, but Quebec surpassed British Columbia as the second most common initial settlement location. In 2022, 42.2% of new PRs chose Ontario as their initial destination, with Quebec landing 15.7% of all new immigrants. British Columbia landed 14% of Canada’s immigrants in 2022, while Alberta landed 11.3%.

A table providing the number of landed PRs for each province and territory in Canada in 2022, along with the percentage share and percentage change from 2021, was also included