An Overview of the St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship-by-Investment Program



The St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship-by-Investment Program requires applicants to make a significant economic contribution to the country. In exchange, and subject to a stringent application procedure including thorough background checks, the applicants and their families are granted full citizenship.

Benefits of St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship

  • A St. Kitts and Nevis passport allows visa-free or visa-on-arrival travel to 156 destinations including Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore, the UK, and Europe’s Schengen Area.
  • The applicant and their family receive full citizenship and passports.
  • St. Kitts and Nevis is a member of the Commonwealth, which entitles citizens to certain privileges in the UK and other Commonwealth countries.
  • St. Kitts and Nevis is an attractive location for owning a second home, with good air links to Europe and North America.
  • St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship-by-investment requirements
  • To qualify for citizenship, the main applicant must be over 18 years of age, meet the application requirements, and select one of the two following options:
    • A non-refundable contribution to the Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF) of an amount starting from USD 150,000 for a single applicant
    • The purchase of real estate with a minimum value of USD 200,000 (resalable after seven years) or USD 400,000 (resalable after five years) from an approved real estate development.